Stella Teller

2008 Corn Mother Honoree


Stella Teller was born on the Isleta Pueblo in 1929. She began working with clay at eight, helping her mother slip and polish small pots. This is how many families in the Pueblo were able to sustain themselves. By the time Stella reached high school, pottery making on the Pueblo had begun to wane. She took up pottery again when she was grown and had her own children.
By 1959, as the granddaughter of the famous Isleta potter Emilia Carpio (who had demonstrated pottery making at the St. Louis World Fair in 1904), Stella took her place among a long line of master Isleta potters. Her love of the craft and her expertise at creating figurines and pottery vessels have made her one of America’s most collected Native potters. Her pieces are part of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. She is also represented in museums and galleries nationwide. Her daughters Robin, Christine, Ramona, and Lynette are also well known potters in their own right.



Be there for each other and be there for your fellow human beings. 

Be mindful and present in the moment, and the future will unfold as It should.

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